11/18/16 The Best Black Friday Organizational Deals

With Christmas and the holidays quickly approaching, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the best times to stock up on quality organizational items for low prices. Staples has phenomenal deals this black Friday, the Brother PT-D400 Label Maker is only $24.99. Regularly priced at $49.99, this exceptional deal is a must have for organizational fanatics. This label maker is sure to make any organizational experience much simpler and more enjoyable. Walmart also has some amazing deals this black Friday, for example, Quart Storage Tote Containers are only $29.99 for a pack of 12. These containers are usually $39.99, this fantastic deal is the perfect reason to start remodeling your closet organization system. The Container Store also has some special deals on organizational items. The Feathergrain Desktop Organizer is usually priced at $24.99, this Black Friday it will be priced at only $14.99. This desktop organizer is classy and functional and perfect for any cluttered space that needs to be reorganized. In addition, Macy’s is promising many Black Friday specials, among these are the Bormioli Rocco Fido Chalk Glassware Collection. These assorted glass containers are prelabeled with chalkboard tape to ensure easy identification and grouping. They are perfect for storing small trinkets and desk items. They are glamorous and practical- the perfect combination! Lastly, Amazon will also be hosting many special deals on organizational items this Black Friday. One of their best steals is the Organize It All Zephyr 24-Pocket Over-door Organizer.  For only $9.97, this contraption will help to organize tight spaces. It contains many clear pockets to ensure that use is straightforward and time efficient while items are easy to see and group into different categories. I hope that this post proves helpful to my fellow organizing enthusiasts! Happy shopping- stay safe & holy:)

Sterilite Storage Tote  Containers:


Bormioli Rocco Fido Chalk Storage Jar Collection


Feathergrain Desktop Organizer


Organize It All Zephyr 24-Pocket Overdoor Organizer


Brother PT-D400 Label Maker:


11/11/16 Gift Giving Galore

In my previous post I discussed the idea of love languages. When I took the test, gifts was one of my highest scoring languages. I have found that receiving gifts can have differing impacts on a person; a thoughtful gift will make a person feel loved and known. A practical gift makes the receiver feel provided for and the spontaneous gift makes a person feel adored. Giving gifts is something that brings me immense satisfaction. The thrill of finding the perfect present and the joy the receiver feels cannot be compared to any other experience. I enjoy buying gifts for people that I love because it is something to look forward to and build upon. Recently, I attended a craft bazaar at my Church with a good friend of mine; I thoroughly enjoyed it! I was able to buy personalized Christmas gifts for my mom and sister. I also had the opportunity to conceive some fun ideas for my secret Santa partner and engage in fellowship with some of my fellow parishioners. I also enjoy creating care packages for my friends in college. I take my time creating these. Sometimes entire months pass before I send out my completed project. I usually visit a multitude of stores and buy a few choice items at each one to add to my care package. I try to buy a mix of practical, snack, school memorabilia, and religious items. Then I write a note to go with the package and send them out to the respective recipients. Giving gifts helps me to feel blissful, I hope that my readers will feel the same way as they speak their love languages.

11/3/16 Learning How To Love

Recently, in my business and marketing class we took a test called “The five languages of love” test. It is used to help analyze the ways that a person displays his/her love for others. By taking the test, a person will learn more about himself/herself and how they show their love for others. Throughout the test, the test takers answer a series of questions about things they like people doing or saying to them. At the end, based on the answers to the questions, the languages of love are ranked. The  “language” options are gifts, words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch and special favors. The top scoring answer is predictive of how love is communicated the most naturally for the test taker. Similarly, the way that love is communicated is also the way that it is best received by that individual.  By taking this test and encouraging loved ones to take the test, one will be able to cater more easily to the needs loved ones.  For instance, if an individual’s primary language was gifts but a best friend’s was physical, a hug in a time of sadness would be the most comforting thing to her. This relates to leading an organized life because life is often confusing and disorganized. By being able to better care for loved ones and sharing a more attentive relationship, some of the chaos of life can be alleviated. I encourage all of my readers to take the test and encourage their family and friends to do the same. The test will positively affect relationships with others.

Test: http://www.5lovelanguages.com

10/27/16 Half Marathon Memories

As mentioned earlier, I recently completed a half-marathon. It was one of the most organized and well-orchestrated events I have ever attended! Throughout the race there were numerous hydration stops stocked with sports drinks and cold water. Friendly volunteers held out drink cups for runners to grab as they ran by. There was a multitude of portable restrooms throughout the race.  Upbeat music was played by bands which were evenly spaced throughout the  grueling 13.1 miles.  Spectators lined the streets and cheered for people they knew and did not know alike. It was very motivating to be cheered on by complete strangers! My family and two of my best friends came to cheer me through the long race. They brought signs and cowbells to help encourage me. They walked over five miles that morning in order to see me through the race! By using the race map, they picked certain mile markers to cheer me on. I couldn’t have asked for better fans. It isn’t everyday that people wake up at 5:00 a.m. to cheer you on for 13.1 miles! The race benefited children who had cancer.  Each mile, a child stood with their hands outstretched so that you could give them a high five or fist bump! It was probably one of the sweetest things I had ever seen. After the race you received a medal and a blanket. I then walked through an area and was supplied with a bag of food and some drinks to help with recovery. I finished my run by 9:30 a.m. and couldn’t wait to go home and shower! The next day I was the most sore I have ever been in my life. Walking down the steps was absolute treachery! All things considered, the half marathon was one of the most positive experiences in my life. While I knew beforehand that it would require a lot of work on my part, I was not aware of all of the work it would require of so many other generous people.

10/ 21/16 Half Marathon Experience

Last weekend I ran my first half marathon. What an  interesting and exhilarating experience! I ran it in just over one hour and fifty minutes. My day started early at 5:15 a.m. The actual race started at 7:30am, but many seasoned veterans of the the half marathon warned me to leave early.  It was strange to see an absolute traffic jam at 6:30am! When I arrived, I walked quickly to my assigned “corral” in order to warm up and find my group. I have never seen so many people looking so wide awake at 6:40 a.m. Everyone was stretching, listening to music, drinking water, or waiting for the bathrooms. Fifty minutes passed very quickly and suddenly it was time to start: 7:30am on the dot!I started out with a friendly, outgoing  woman who said that she wanted to run the race in about the same time I hoped to run it. However, after about six miles with her I decided to slow down my pace. I thought that I had set too high of a goal for my race; there was no way that I could keep up with her for another 7.1 miles! Fortunately, this was not the truth. She was actually running at a much faster pace than was necessary for me to meet my goal. In the end, I was able to pull through and reach my goal! I never saw her after the race. I had hoped to see her after in order to congratulate her and thank her for helping to pace me for the first six miles. My first half marathon was a challenge. I spent months training for it. However, the preparation was worth it. I finished the race in good time… and actually had a good time doing it!

10/7/16 Organizational Book Review

In order to better organize, I often watch YouTube videos or read books on the subject. The most recent book that I read was The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. This book contained many important tips and suggestions for organizing your home and life in general. While I enjoyed the amount of detail and helpful explanations it provided, I found some parts to be troubling. Marie spoke about the importance of thanking your objects and often acted as if objects were more than objects, and were akin to humans. This was an issue for me because you would need to be attached to your possessions in order to feel that way about them. It is dangerous to be attached to possessions because they are fleeting. It is more important to be focused on the higher things, like heaven or showing kindness to others. This way of living  simply means that it is important to only use your possessions wisely and not grow attached to them. This is a very fine line to walk. On one hand, you do not want to be abusive and wasteful with your possessions. However, it is also important to only use your possessions and not grow attached to them. Organization can come in handy when walking this line. If you can keep track of your possessions and keep them in good condition, you will not need to buy new ones constantly and will be less wasteful. Also, being organized will help you to see your possessions as mere objects. By cleaning out objects and donating old things, there is a diminished chance that a person will grow attached to things and collect things for purely sentimental value or for no reason at all.

10/7/16 Tools For Staying Organized

There are many systems available to help a person stay organized. My favorite items to meet my organizational needs are bookshelves, drawer bins, and hooks. Bookshelves, and shelves in general, can be a major asset when organizing. Their main benefit is their versatility. Bookshelves enable you to separate items by category and help to keep items in sight. Books aren’t the only items that can be displayed on bookshelves, these versatile spaces can display plants, photos, and other items of interest that have aesthetic value. Drawer bins are handy because they keep spaces very clean that can grow messy easily. These bins can be used in places other than drawers but I find them to be most helpful when they are placed in drawers because once junk is out of sight, it is often out of mind. In addition to keeping items in drawers grouped, bins can also help to keep items within the drawers from moving around and becoming damaged. By creating divisions between materials that can become entangled or mixed, you will be able to access materials more easily and utilize the available space. I usually use drawer bins to keep my stationery and desk items organized. Hooks are great for areas that have little space. By hanging things and keeping the ground clear of piles, a room will automatically look less cluttered. Hooks are good for storing an assortment of things. While most people use hooks to hang jackets and coats, these handy tools can also be utilized to hang purses and jewelry. These items are sure to help any home become more organized!

9/29/16 Why I Enjoy Running

Running is something that makes me feel serene, it has many desirable effects on my life.  I enjoy running for a number of reasons. The first reason is that it gives me solitude. Often while running I will listen to music, pray, or contemplate my day. All of these things help to bring me peace and are excellent ways to pass time. Another reason that I enjoy running is that it is good for me physically. Time and time again research has proven that running is one of the best forms of exercise to partake in. Running is also something that I would consider efficient because I am able to complete more than one task at a time.  When I am running I am able to simultaneously do something to keep my body healthy and my mind healthy. After a hard day of school, a long run is the cure to accumulated stress and anxiety. It is always a welcome break from studying or working on projects. The fresh air and physical exertion help me to feel rejuvenated and able to return to my schoolwork when I return. Running also gives me a goal to work toward. Sometimes I work towards running a specific race, like my half marathon, and sometimes my goal is just to become more fit and able to run longer distances at faster times. I have been running since I was little because even at a young age, I could tell that this type of exercise was something that I wanted to participate in. I enjoy running because it improves my quality of life.

9/22/16 Organization Tips: Part Two

I have discovered numerous, helpful organizational tips over the years. In my previous post I shared some of them. In this post I will continue to elaborate upon some of my favorite tips to stay organized. A method that I utilize for keeping track of items requiring future action is a line of ribbon with clips on it. I use the clips to pin up important things that need to be managed, some of which may include checks that need to be cashed or letters that need to be mailed. The clips help to create visual reminders and also make it easy to grab whatever it is that I need to be working with. Organization is a breeze if you have a manageable number of items to organize. A house full of junk is a pain to clean out but the results are worth it. If you are looking to clean out a space, try to accomplish it in the smallest time frame possible. Setting a reasonable deadline will ensure that you do not lose your motivation to complete this arduous project. Also, do not start to reorganize the space you are cleaning until you have finished the clean out process. It is better to be able to take an inventory of your remaining possessions before setting up a system to organize them. Finally, it is important to organize your finances. By maintaining an ongoing list of income and expenses (think inflow and outflow) you will be able to ensure that you are purchasing only the necessary items, donating the correct amount to charity or church, and saving enough in order pay the bills.